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I am a garden design student i have and recently started working as a gardener. how much do you think i have to charge people? Per hour, per job?

Hi Angelina,

I think you have to assess your own personal circumstances and adjust the formula above to suit your own needs.

I cannot be specific on your own personal rates.


yes it depends on your chargeable hours and your overheads/wage etc

i would advise producing a business plan, and working out a rate

Definitely Niall

My post is really designed to help understand, for anyone considering starting a gardening business, how they need to develop a plan.

hello everyone i am a new to this blog and have found the information on it very interesting, i am getting my self ready to start a one man busisnes i have experience of the industry and qualifications, i have found the information on prices very helpfull and would like to be able to come back to this site again for further advice so once again this is a very helpfull site.

Hi Alex

I am pleased that you found the site useful and of benefit to your new business.

Please feel free to pop in at any time. Why not join other landscapers on the Landscape Juice Network? There is plenty of info being amassed that could be beneficial to you as you go forward.


I have 35 clients and only two of them employ me over winter. so theres another 13 weeks to deduct from jane's equation

One more tip I would add. Work out your "hourly rate" for your own internal use by all means. But never, ever, under any circumstances, disclose this to any new client, potential client or existing client. Rather, price per job.

Take all costs and outgoings into account as you would with an hourly rate, but offer a fee for the job.

If it is a maintenance contract tell them how much you will charge each week/month/year but never, ever, state how much time you will spend on their site, only what you will achieve for them over the term of the contract. Which may or may not include off-site work.

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