Why not take advantage of my Landscape Juice pages and send in your news.
Be it a new product release, appointment or contract win you can put it in front of thousands of highly targeted readers.
Have you a garden show, fungi forage, bring and buy sale or garden talk to advertise? Fear not that this site is UK and worldwide because the very clever software that runs in the centre of Typepad will pick up the minute detail for anyone searching the internet.
Advertising an event is as easy as sending me an email and I will post it up for you.
I want to get up close and personal and it is the grass roots gardener and landscaper or nursery worker of designer that I really care about so that is why I want you to make use of Landscape Juice.
For the bigger players - why not advertise on Landscape Juice. You may have a position to fill. Other sites are asking silly money to advertise their vacancies. For a limited time only, I am letting you advertise for just £12.00.
Whatever your need, I am willing to talk to you about becoming part of the Landscape Juice success.