I would like to extend a very warm welcome to the visitors from Typepad.
Today, Typepad, the owners of the platform I use to broadcast my gardening messages and news, has very kindly featured Landscape Juice on their site - This is truly an honour and a great privilege.
This is indeed very special recognition for me and I must say (and bloggers everywhere will understand this) really is the highlight of my blogging career so far.
I am not going to take all of the credit though - No, it is you, the readers and commentators that have helped me to enjoy and express myself in such a free way, and at times, when the digits would not connect with the mind in the way that I would have liked, your gently encouragement has propelled me on.
Landscape Juice now enjoys some great traffic and reaches a very wide audience. It is truly world wide and even though I have only ever worked as gardener in the United Kingdom, I get an awful lot of satisfaction when I receive comments from readers as far afield as Australia and America.
I would also like to extend my sincere appreciation to Craig McGinty for his support, help and insight that has enabled me to reach and engage in such a successful way - without Craig I probably would not have started.
I would also like to welcome the readers of the Good Web Guide - coincidently, the Good Web Guide have also reviewed Landscape Juice today so I would also like to express my thanks to them too.
I have a lot to live up to now that I have been recognised by my blogging peers.
Thanks one again and I hope that you can continue to enjoy the site.
Many congrats Phil, and I am sure visitors appreciate the fact that you turn up every day with something interesting to say and link to - readers put a great deal of value in that.
Happy Blogging :-)
Posted by: Craig McGinty | Jun 29, 2008 at 07:13 PM
Congratulations Phil. I've only seen a couple of ning sites outside of your pantheon(!?) of blogs; none of them seem to have such a good feel about them as the Landscape Juice Network.
Posted by: Andrew Fereday | Jun 29, 2008 at 07:23 PM
Congratulations! I'm so glad to have found your blog through typepad. I'm a novice gardener and I will visit often.
Posted by: Alexis | Jun 29, 2008 at 10:20 PM
Very well done to you! Recognition of fantastic dedication and content. The others can eat their hats...
Posted by: Mike Seaton | Jun 30, 2008 at 09:58 AM
Congratulations. It's well deserved. I point to yours as the sort of blog to which bloggers should aspire.
Posted by: Helen Gazeley | Jun 30, 2008 at 03:38 PM
Thank you everyone
I am still on a bit of a high and now that Ning have featured the network too it has topped a good few days.
Posted by: Philip Voice | Jul 01, 2008 at 10:04 PM