Today sees the start of a very exciting concept and free service on Landscape Juice and something which may benefit our retail and domestic readers to the site.
I get an awful lot of visitors who land on Landscape Juice who are looking for something in particular and one query that is constantly flagged up on my search results is the need for a Landscaper, Gardener of Garden Designer and up until now, it has been difficult to think of a way to distribute those enquiries to people that would have a need for this generated lead.
I started The Landscape Juice Network as a way to draw together Landscapers and Gardeners and build a powerful resource that can lever the considerable power of the internet.
I have put together a simple service that will allow you as a consumer to put your specification in front of Landscaping, Gardening and Garden Design companies who will then contact you, rather than you having to chase people about.
The great thing is your enquiry is only passed to business hungry and motivated people, so rather than leave lots of messages on answer phones and never getting a reply, our member, if your proposition is within their area and satisfies their remit, is able to contact you and away you go.
The service is free to use and all you have to do is provide your name, email address and the first four digits of your postal code, as well as a brief description of your requirements; it will then be mailed to members of the network who will respond directly to you.