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I have used cast clear according to the instructions on my lawn. All it has done turn the gras brown and worms casts are as bad as ever. It is complete waste on time and money. Please do not recommend this rubbish to anyone

I completely agree (except for the effect on the grass) with Dr Iqbal Jan. CastClear seems to have no effect on the density of casts (about 10 per square metre) despite repeated applications.

Hi Iqbal, Sorry to learn of your experience with CastClear. If you can email us the following data, we can check your calibrations:

Area of lawn in square metres
Type of garden sprayer
Capacity of garden sprayer
Amount of CastClear applied to the complete lawn
Amount of water applied to the lawn



I have to agree with the rest of the comments, cast clear is useless, last year I spent around £2000 for my new lawn, now all you can see is thick slimy mud with few scattered patches of grass. I feel so helpless. My garden is in constant shade so it's always moist, I have tried everything still no results. There has to be some chemical which is allowed .

Me too, i used it last year and my lawn was destroyed by casts... should rename it cast magnet...

I feel the same I have 3 small golf greens and they are ruined by worm casts It has taken me 4 years to get them good and now 6 weeks worm casts have finished them off. What do we use.

the banns on these chemicals is going to fuck the green keeping -groundskeepers .the ban on Carbendazim and now the ban on Propiconazole based fungicides .what next

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