Perfect Paving Systems of Stourbridge removed in August due to poor workmanship and customer service
— Marshalls Register (@MarshallsReg) September 2, 2014
Paving manufacturer Marshalls has taken to Twitter to name and shame two Marshalls Register member businesses that fell foul of its required standards.
Perfect Paving Systems of Stourbridge was removed from the Register in August "due to poor workmanship and customer service" and Prosser & Craik Paving Contractors of Saltburn were removed from the Register in July for "failing to adhere to the guarantee t & c's"
The move to name and shame comes after the APL Vice Chairman slammed the Marshalls Register and called into question the quality of some Register members, saying "There are companies local to us who are on their register who, quite frankly, are awful. As a company we just can't be associated with such companies. In our opinion it is just a way of making more money for themselves (suppliers)."
Marshalls were also forced to admit that 18 members were removed from the Marshalls Register in 2013.
Operations Manager, Dave Jessop, told Landscape Juice: "We have a stringent process of assessment at the point of entry to the register and every year to both help our members improved their processes and practices but also to reassure the consumer."
Asked at what point Marshalls get involved, Dave responded: "The majority of issues that come to us are via consumers or are picked up by our team of assessors during their regular assessments of sites.
"We will then contact the contractor and advise them that there’s an issue and offer them advice on how to remedy the issue.
"Our first course of action is always to offer training and advice to our register members.
"The next course of action for our assessors is to check another of their sites to see if issues exist elsewhere.
"It is our role to mediate between the contractor and their customer to try and find a resolution whenever possible, as the contract lies between those parties and not with us, as we state, our Register is a national network of independent professionals. They are not employed by Marshalls but are vetted and monitored by our assessors to ensure their levels of competence and performance.
"However, if the contractor ignores our advice and continues to break our installation guidelines then we will remove them from the Register as we state in our Register agreement which importantly is signed by both Marshalls and the contractor when they join the Register.
"We don’t take this step lightly we have a robust process of support, guidance, communication, offers of training and periods of suspension before we take the final step of removing a member from our Register.
"We want our Register members to know that we are serious about quality workmanship and are prepared to remove non-performing contractors from the Register if their workmanship is not up to standard, and we have been listing those removed from the Register in our regular newsletter for many years."
Perfect Paving Systems of Stourbridge was invited to put its side of the story and Craik Paving Contractors didn't answer the phone.