Put the last piece of your marketing jigsaw in place with my blog chaperone service.
We all know that everyone needs to market themselves so that your clients can find you and understand what it is you offer and more importantly, feel comfortable with what you can provide.
The biggest problem that businesses of all sizes encounter is where to start and keeping it going. Newspaper advertising is not as effective as it once was and Yellow Pages just does not hit the mark for the astute business man or women these days.
The real success stories are with blogs and text based advertising. Words on a page, assembled in an order that your client wants to read, is so much more powerful than a 'flash banner' that sings dances and whistles.
Many website builders ans SEO experts will want to sell you the best package that their creative skills can put together but whilst it might look good to the casual visitor, the content is laying dormant and useless for you.
My research in the last few months has uncovered such sums as £1-4,000 to build a five page website and, to top it all, you have to write the content yourself.
Landscape Juice has probably more visitors on the site while you are reading this than the amount many business sites get during the course of a week. Why? because it is jammed packed with the right content that draws eager and wanting visitors.
Only last Friday I built a five page blog for a new client using the Typepad platform (registered in their own name) and by Saturday, one page of that site, based on the content I had written, had come up as number two in a Google search.
Now I want to make this available to you and because I am operating alone, the space is limited so think quickly.
I can build a new five page blog, packed with words and pictures that draw in all of the elements of what your business does.
Your site will be linked to Feedburner so that it syndicated to a wide audience but most importantly, it will be search engine friendly from the moment it goes live.
The basic cost would be £300.00 for five pages and £25.00 for new pages.
For a further £30 pounds per hour fee, I can write blog posts that will reflect you (from information you provide) and draw in information about your industry, by linking out and building prominence for you.
I will encourage you to buy a Typepad account which will cost you less than £4.00 a month and/or a new domain from GoDaddy for as little as £10.00 for two years. If you already have a host then we can link to your blog to your existing site through a sub-domain (this will require some assistance from your existing provider)
The items will be richly packed with geographical reference to the areas you cover yet not spammed so that you get a bad name.
In fact, my service can be so flexible that I can create something that exactly suits your needs.
In these difficult times, when money has to work hard, it pays to think wisely about how you get your business.
For an informal chat, please either call me on 00 44 844 232 4221 or email me [email protected]
Remember, no flashy design but richly packed content working twenty four hours a day, seven days a week and all year round.
Blogs in the Landscape Juice stable...
Kevin Munt Golf Consultancy - UK based consultancy and advisory service.
Kevin says: 12 days ago I started my Blog site and typed 'Golf Consultant' into Google, as this is how I earn my living, I searched the first 5 pages and found nothing.
Today I typed in those same two words and ranked 7th on the first page and second in relevance as a golf course consultant. I have to say that this is a fantastic feeling and incredibly fast considering the mega size of the world wide web. So how does this happen?
Read my case study below and if you are looking to get off to a flying start with a commercial blog take action.
A couple of years ago I stumbled across a blog site that drew me in when researching company naming and marketing, it struck me then that this type of open almost casual communication was a great marketing tool but I had no idea how, or time to, pursue it any further.
Then two months ago I decided that I needed a good commercial web presents to promote my Golf Consultancy business, I was thinking traditional Web site. I typed Golf Consultant into google to see who of my competitors were around and what their site were like.
Many of them were staid and not updated and the market is quite crowded. I then remembered the blog site that I had found two years ago, I paid it a visit and noticed it was powered by TypePad, so I went over to them for a look, took up a free 14 day trial and gave up after 5 days, having had no hits or comments.
I thought that I was just a needle in a forest. I then typed in 'greenkeeping blogs' and got nothing typed in golf course management blogs and drew a further blank.
To widen the field I typed in Landscape Blog and bingo guess who was top of the list. Upon entering I was stuck by the freshness and feel of site that is Landscape Juice, but low and behold not only was this a great looking site it had a Blog development and marketing service.
Not being one to sit on the fence I contacted Philip Voice and he convinced me that a blog site was much better for business generation than a web site as long as you post to it on a regular basis.
It is however more than this, thanks to the way in which Phil constructs the site and links me to LJ's power juice my sites is already running ahead of the golf consultancy community.
It cost me £300 as it says up front on the label and it is the best £300 marketing I will ever spend I am already convinced of that.
Terrain Aeration - UK based turf and tree root-zone aeration service using compressed air. Run by husband and wife team David and Lynda Green.
Westacott Gardens - Based in Chelmsford Essex, Andy Westacott is a garden designer and landscaper catering for both the domestic and commercial markets.
Grass Clippings - News and information site catering for anything to do with the UK lawn scene. Run by Mike Seaton.
Weed Free - UK based pesticide, advisory and application service catering for the amenity and commercial markets including golf courses, race courses, football and rugby clubs, bowls and tennis clubs and all parks and open spaces.
Adler Recruitment - Based in Droitwich, a commercial recruitment company catering for Landscape Architects.
Greenkeeper Jobs - International greenkeeping jobs.
Please enter me in the competition
Posted by: Chris Bradford | Sep 21, 2008 at 12:12 PM
Hi Phillip, I am interested in talking to you about your Web and blog service. However I cannot get you on any of the numbers provided or the email link. Please could you email me a contact number of email address.
Posted by: Kevin Munt | Jan 12, 2009 at 02:20 PM
Now a days business marketing online is the best option for entrepreneurs who want their business to be known. As an SEO expert, I agree that blogging and advertising on websites are the best way in promoting a business online. Blogs with many followers can easily view advertisements for your business same with ads on websites they can easily be viewed. So I suggest that you use these to promote your business online.
Posted by: seo search | Oct 13, 2009 at 03:51 AM
Blogs are probably the best thing in promoting your business online. It just needs a lot of traffic online making your blogs rank high on search engines.
Posted by: decorating fabric | Nov 27, 2009 at 12:14 PM